Heil, Ik ben Jerry Sanders, Is C-18 actief is Nederland zo ja ik zit in een tbs kliniek maar ik wil vechten voor het blanke ras, voor het nageslacht van onze kinderen.
See weblink for a despicable assault on the London tube by two feral females upon a lone white girl. This is pure cowardly savagery and should not be tolerated in modern Britain. The blacks have got to go!
Dennis Clarke, an 82-Year-Old Army VETERAN was murdered by a 16-Year-Old (Now 18 Y/O) Arab boy who is a named Omar Moumeche in Derby, England, and Omar Moumeche was only sentenced to TWO YEARS in YOUTH DETENTION!! Completely absurd. Some people get If it were a White British teenager murdering an 82-Year-Old Arab veteran he/she would almost definitely get LIFE in prison! I wouldn’t be surprised if someone got revenge on Dennis Clarke’s killer by reversing the roles.
There was an absolutely horrific stabbing at a school today in Ireland commited by someone who is suspected by many people to be a muslim immigrant, where THREE CHILDREN, and TWO adults were stabbed!! I feel absolutely TERRIBLE for these poor victims and I hope none of them die and they all fully and quickly recover 😢 I hope the government finally picks up on this and stops mass immigration and deports ALL immigrants who commit any crime, claim benefits or are unloyal to my neighbour Ireland!! DISGUSTING!! There are ongoing protests in Dublin right now and we need there to be a much larger anti-islam/anti-immigration protest! 💔
What is being Done with all the rubbish from SA coming into the US? They are literally Dumping their garbage from mental institutions and prisons on the doorstep of the US where they- Leech off the US taxpayer, Sponge from the system and give Nothing back.
And muslim trash. They want sharia law implemented in the US.
Those people have a different world view from that of the West, following
a Globally destabilizing ideology and crime inciting “book”
The people need to be mobilised in the UK
A weak government pandering to ethnic minorities,and putting our ever diminishing white population in danger on a daily basis.
All it needs is the right leadership.
The conditions will never be better.
I am a proud white Aryan from Seattle Washington USA! Hail Combat-18! Hail the White Aryan Race!
Hail the white race !!
We must protect our race….whatever it takes through protests, direct action and fundraising direct action !!
Great to be a member of a whites only, pro-white worldwide organisation. Every individual country must be white and strong.
Heil, Ik ben Jerry Sanders, Is C-18 actief is Nederland zo ja ik zit in een tbs kliniek maar ik wil vechten voor het blanke ras, voor het nageslacht van onze kinderen.
See weblink for a despicable assault on the London tube by two feral females upon a lone white girl. This is pure cowardly savagery and should not be tolerated in modern Britain. The blacks have got to go!
Dennis Clarke, an 82-Year-Old Army VETERAN was murdered by a 16-Year-Old (Now 18 Y/O) Arab boy who is a named Omar Moumeche in Derby, England, and Omar Moumeche was only sentenced to TWO YEARS in YOUTH DETENTION!! Completely absurd. Some people get If it were a White British teenager murdering an 82-Year-Old Arab veteran he/she would almost definitely get LIFE in prison! I wouldn’t be surprised if someone got revenge on Dennis Clarke’s killer by reversing the roles.
There was an absolutely horrific stabbing at a school today in Ireland commited by someone who is suspected by many people to be a muslim immigrant, where THREE CHILDREN, and TWO adults were stabbed!! I feel absolutely TERRIBLE for these poor victims and I hope none of them die and they all fully and quickly recover 😢 I hope the government finally picks up on this and stops mass immigration and deports ALL immigrants who commit any crime, claim benefits or are unloyal to my neighbour Ireland!! DISGUSTING!! There are ongoing protests in Dublin right now and we need there to be a much larger anti-islam/anti-immigration protest! 💔
We must unite against the whole Muslim / immigration situation. See initiative.
I hail from Minneapolis, Minnesota
Hail Victory!!! 1488
I hail from Renovo, Pennsylvania
White Victory 1488!
Keep fighting. Stay strong. Heil Hitler!
What is being Done with all the rubbish from SA coming into the US? They are literally Dumping their garbage from mental institutions and prisons on the doorstep of the US where they- Leech off the US taxpayer, Sponge from the system and give Nothing back.
And muslim trash. They want sharia law implemented in the US.
Those people have a different world view from that of the West, following
a Globally destabilizing ideology and crime inciting “book”
The people need to be mobilised in the UK
A weak government pandering to ethnic minorities,and putting our ever diminishing white population in danger on a daily basis.
All it needs is the right leadership.
The conditions will never be better.
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